UMLet And Intro To Debugging
UMLet And Intro To Debugging >>>>>
Your JVM (Java Virtual Machine) needs more memory to convert such a large diagram. The following line starts UMLet with 1GB memory which should be enough for every diagram:javaw -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar umlet.jar
If you have built the artifacts on your own machine, the plugin output is in umlet-eclipse-plugin/target/com.umlet.plugin--SNAPSHOT.jar and the p2 update site is in umlet-eclipse-p2/target/ These artifacts can be used to install the plugin as described above.
While remote debugging, you are not actually running through a debugger. Unlike a client debugging session, you are merely attaching your component to the above debugging service. This means, the debugging session is passive until your code and the breakpoints are reached.
When you are remote debugging, you are only debugging a component. So, it needs to be enabled for each component you are debugging. You will need to run one instance of Debugger for each component (unless they are in the same package) you are debugging.
Just to stress the point, remote debugging in EAServer can only be done on components. For an object in PowerBuilder to be a component, it needs additional events. Not all objects in our code are meant to be components. 59ce067264