Intermission (2003)
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Stetson began to slow the play and take advantage of free-throws to pull win four but saw FAU going into the intermission up by six, 42-36. Earnest Crumbley, who ended the night with 17, points scored 15 in the first half all on three-pointers.
Syracuse took its first lead of the game midway through the first half, 11-10. After the Pirates tied the score at 15, Warrick scored five-straight points to give the Orangemen a 20-15 advantage. SU widened the gap to 14, 34-20, with 2:30 left in the half, thanks in part to eight-points by McNamara. The Orangemen sank seven-straight free-throws to enter intermission with a 40-24 lead.
Performance MUSP 60310-60360 (Lessons)12MUSI 60120 (Orchestra)2MUSI 60080 (Chamber Music)1MUSP 70971 (Recital I)1MUSP 70981 (Recital II)*1MusicologyMUSI 60103 (Bibliography and Research Techniques)3Electives in Music History3Music TheoryMUSI 50203 (Structure and Style)3Electives in Music Theory3Electives3Total 32*The recital shall be no less than 60 minutes in length, not including intermission. Two copies of a good quality recording of the final recital must be submitted to the Graduate Studies Office before the student can be cleared for graduation. This is the student's responsibility.
Performance MUSP 60110 (Voice)8MUSI 60100; 60040 (Opera/Chorale)2MUSI 70971 (Recital)*1Pedagogy MUSI 50053 (Introduction to Voice Pedagogy)3MUSI 50063 (Comparative Voice Pedagogy)3MUSI 60052 (Voice Repertoire Management)2MUSI 60162 (Techniques for the Singer-Actor)2MUSI 60041 (Voice Pedagogy Practicum)**1 Musicology/Music Literature MUSI 60103 (Bibliography and Research Techniques)3Musicology/Music Literature Elective3Music Theory3Electives***3 Total34* The recital shall be no less than 60 minutes in length, not including intermission. Two copies of a good quality recording of the final recital must be submitted to the Graduate Studies Office before the student can be cleared for graduation. This is the student's responsibility. ** Voice Pedagogy Practicum may be repeated for elective credit.***Chosen from graduate courses in Music or related academic fields. Recommendations may be made on the basis of undergraduate transcript and placement examinations. 59ce067264